
Insurance Billing with ICD-10 Codes

The medical billing transition from ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 diagnosis codes is just weeks away. Here’s how this will affect NowMD:

Transition Date: October 1, 2015

Services rendered prior to October 1 must be billed using ICD-9 diagnosis codes. With very few exceptions services rendered on or after October 1 must be billed using ICD-10 diagnosis codes. If you enter multiple dates of service in one NowMD encounter you must not mix services that occurred before October 1 with those that occurred on or after October 1.

ICD-10 Diagnosis Code Selection

ICD-10 is far more than different codes for the same old diagnosis. ICD-9-CM includes about 17,000 codes. Compare that to the more than 140,000 codes in ICD-10 and you can see that you will need far more than just a crosswalk from your old ICD-9 codes to ICD-10. It’s easy to find an ICD-10 code selection book or lookup tool with a quick web search.

Here’s a free ICD-10 code lookup tool on the CMS web site:

Switching to ICD-10 in NowMD

Add the ICD-10 codes you use to your diagnosis list in Settings and More > Diagnosis Codes.


Be sure to check the ICD-10 Code box for your new diagnosis codes.

To complete the changeover turn of searching for your ICD-9 codes.


Checking this box in Settings and More > Use ICD-10 Codes Only will prevent ICD-9 codes from showing in a diagnosis code search and NowMD will not allow ICD-9 codes to be entered in an encounter.

100 Days Until ICD-10

If you’re still wondering what you are going to do about ICD-10 you only have 100 days until insurance claims are required to have these new diagnosis codes to figure it out!

NowMD is ready now for ICD-10:

  • Paper claims can be printed with ICD-10 diagnosis codes
  • Electronic claims can be sent with ICD-10 diagnosis codes

ICD-9 diagnosis codes can remain in your system if you have an insurer that will not accept the new codes. A simple flip of a setting switch will remove ICD-9 codes from a diagnosis description search to help you stay on track.

NowMD can be a simple, affordable way to be ICD-10 compliant and keep your payments flowing.